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Useful FAQ’s
Our Patients most Frequently Asked Questions
What is a Patient Participation Group (PPG) and how can i join?
Our Patient Participation Group (PPG), works in partnership with the GPs and Practice team to ensure the patients perspective is at the heart of local provision and that services are of a high quality standard and are continuously monitored and improved. Groups also provide practical support in the surgery and maintain robust communication between the practice and the patients. The meetings can be virtual or face to face.
We aim to gather patients from as broad a spectrum as possible to get a truly representative sample. We need young people, workers, retirees, people with long term conditions and people from non-British ethnic groups.
If you would like to be a part of our PPG please speak with our reception team or complete our online form.
How do I find my NHS number?
If you need to find your NHS number, you can do this quickly within the NHS App or you can find it on the NHS "Find your NHS number" website.
How to get a Fit/Sick Note
You might need a fit note if you're unwell and cannot work for more than 7 days, including weekends and bank holidays.
You do not need a fit note if you cannot work for 7 days or less.
If you need to request a fit note for more than 7 days or have already self-certified, you can do this via our Useful Information page or do so by calling the practice, who will be happy to help.
More information can be found at https://www.nhs.uk/nhs-services/gps/getting-a-fit-note/
GOV.UK provide further guidance here: https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/the-fit-note-a-guide-for-patients-and-employees
How do I change my details?
If you've moved house, or changed phone number and want to inform us you can fill submit a form by clicking here.
This will send a message to the practice who will process your request for you. The practice may be in contact should they require any further information.
Alternatively, you can change your phone number and email address within the NHS app.
How old do I need to be to use online consultation?
You can submit your own online consultations once you are 16 years old. If you are younger but need to get in touch please call the practice.
How do I cancel an appointment?
If you need to cancel your appointment follow the directions within your appointment reminder text message or call the practice. Alternatively, you can cancel your GP appointments within the NHS App.
The sooner you let us know you no longer need your appointment the better the chance we will be able to offer this appointment time to another patient.
What is Proxy Access and how do I request it?
What is Proxy access? Proxy access was developed to allow someone other than the patient to access and manage parts of their GP online services account. The proxy (parent, family member or carer) is given their own online access account (rather than using the patient’s login details). How can I request Proxy access for someone I care for? If you need to request Proxy access, you can do this by contacting the practice reception team who can assist you. You will be required to provide copies of identification for us to complete this request. |
Electronic Prescriptions & Online Consults
What is the Electronic Prescription Service (EPS)?
If you get regular prescriptions the Electronic Prescription Service (EPS) may be able to save you time by saving you unnecessary trips to your GP. The Electronic Prescription Service (EPS) allows your GP to send your prescription directly to your chosen pharmacy without a paper prescription.
Find out more about the Electronic Prescription Service visit http://www.hscic.gov.uk/epspatients or speak to your practice or pharmacist.
How using EPS could benefit you
If you collect your repeat prescriptions from your GP, you will not have to visit your GP practice to pick up your paper prescription. Instead, your GP will send it electronically to the place you choose, saving you time.
You will have more choice about where to get your medicines from because they can be collected from a pharmacy near to where you live, work or shop.
You may not have to wait as long at the pharmacy as there will be time for your repeat prescriptions to be ready before you arrive
Please speak to your reception team or nominated pharmacist to activate your EPS.
How can I use Electronic Prescription Service (EPS)?
You need to choose a place for your GP practice to electronically send your prescription to. This is called nomination. This could be a pharmacy local to your home or work address.
Ask any pharmacy or a member of the reception team to add your nomination for you. You don’t need a computer to do this.
The benefits of Electronic Prescription Service (EPS)
1. More efficient and convenient for patients and staff.
2. Reduces paper use.
3. Safer, faster and more efficient.
4. Patients don't have to visit their GP for a prescription.
5. Patients won't have a paper prescription to lose.
If you don’t want your prescription to be sent electronically, please tell our reception team.
If you want to change or cancel your nomination, speak to your nominated pharmacist or dispensing appliance contractor.
It is important to tell them before your next prescription is due or your prescription may be sent to the wrong place.
For more information visit http://www.hscic.gov.uk/epspatients or your pharmacy.
How do I request repeat prescriptions?
Requests for repeat prescriptions can be made by bringing your repeat prescription slip (right side of your prescription) into the surgery, or online.
Please ask at Reception for more information regarding registering online or download the NHS App from your app store and follow the steps to get set up from home.
Please do not request repeat prescriptions by telephone as this can result in mistakes. Please ensure we have 72 hours' notice to check and issue the prescriptions. Always request your medication in good time to prevent running out.
Is Electronic Prescription Service (EPS) reliable, secure and confidential?
Yes. Your electronic prescription will be seen by the same people in GP practices, pharmacies and NHS prescription payment and fraud agencies that see your paper prescription now.
Sometimes dispensers may see that you have nominated another dispenser. For example, if you forget who you have nominated and ask them to check or, if you have nominated more than one dispenser. Dispensers will also see all the items on your reorder slip if you are on repeat prescriptions.
Can I submit online consultations about my child?
Parents or carers can submit an online form on behalf of their children if they are over six months old. For children younger than six months, please phone the surgery.
How old do I need to be to use online consultation?
You can submit your own online consultations once you are 16 years old. If you are younger but need to get in touch please call the practice.
What happens if my condition is not listed on our Online Consult website?
Sometimes when using our Online platform you may not always find a specific form for your problem or condition. If this happens use the 'General health query’ form or call the surgery direct and we will assist you.
I completed an online form but have not heard back from the practice. What should I do?
This should not happen. However, if it does and you have not heard back from the practice within 72 working hours, please contact the surgery by phone, and we will assist with your query.
Practice Information
How do I find my GP page?
You can search for your GP by name or location on our find a practice page. If you’re still having trouble, contact us, and a member of the team will help you find them.
How do I make a complaint?
We make every effort to give the best service possible to everyone who attends our practice.
However, we are aware that things can go wrong resulting in a patient feeling that they have a genuine cause for complaint. If this is so, we would wish for the matter to be settled as quickly, and as amicably, as possible.
To pursue a complaint please contact the practice who will deal with your concerns appropriately. Further written information is available regarding the complaints procedure from reception.
Practice Rights and Responsibilities
Rights & Responsibilities
- All patients registered at the practice have a named, accountable GP responsible for their overall care, but any patient can see any doctor or nurse they choose.
- Patients have the right to say if they would prefer to see a particular doctor or nurse and we will try to arrange this (as long as they are available). We understand that ‘continuity of care’ is important. Seeing the same nurse or doctor for a particular condition can make it easier to get the right diagnosis and plan your treatment/management better.
- Registered patients are invited to have a health check from time to time. We hope you will take up this service.
- We also offer all patients over 40 an NHS Health Check every 5 years. Please contact reception to discuss this.
- Patients have the right to see their own health records, subject to the terms of the Data Protection Act.
- Please arrive on time for your appointment. That way clinics are more likely to run on time.
- Please inform the practice if you can’t make an appointment or if the appointment is no longer necessary, so the slot can be offered to another patient.
- Please try and attend the surgery and do not make a request for a home visit unless absolutely necessary. Home visits are for housebound or seriously ill patients. In the time it takes to conduct 1 home visit we can typically see at least 3 patients at the surgery.
- Please make requests for repeat prescriptions in good time. We suggest at least up to one week before you need more medication.
- Please co-operate with all practice staff and treat them courteously. They are trying to help you.
Become a Patient Proxy
What is Proxy Access and how do I request it?
What is Proxy access? Proxy access was developed to allow someone other than the patient to access and manage parts of their GP online services account. The proxy (parent, family member or carer) is given their own online access account (rather than using the patient’s login details). How can I request Proxy access for someone I care for? If you need to request Proxy access, you can do this by contacting the practice reception team who can assist you. You will be required to provide copies of identification for us to complete this request. |
Accountable and named GP
What is an Accountable GP?
As part of the GP Contract, all patients registered at a GP practice are allocated an Accountable GP.
What does “accountable mean”?The named GP is largely a role of oversight. It reassures patients they have one GP who is responsible for their care. However it is important to note:
- Patients do not need to see their named GP when they book an appointment with the practice.
- Patients are entitled to choose to see any GP or nurse in the practice.
- The named GP works with relevant health and social care professionals to deliver a multi-disciplinary care package that meets the needs of the patient.
- The named GP will not take on 24 hour responsibility for the patient, or have to change their working hours.

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